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Omslagsbild för Julius and his dream voyage
Isbn: 978-91-7569-287-6
Förlag: Books on Demand
3-6 år
Tillgänglig sedan: december 2015


Julius and his dream voyage

Julius was sitting at the breakfast table and began to remember the night's dream.
Had it really been true ?
Had Julius finally experienced his highest dream?

Follow Julius on his magical journey in the fairy and dreamland.

Christina Winterfell is born and resident in southern Stockholm, Sweden and a mother of two sons. She holds a bachelor in Psychology and a bachelor of Education and is a qualified Certified Relationship Coach.
She has written since young and likes variety and work on various creative projects.
Much of her mediating in her children's books is about to dream and to dare wherever you are in life, wherever you come from and finding faith to be and do.

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